
multiple studies conducted by Japanese universities,

Everyone knows the liquorice sticks are mâchouille for déstresser or simply to revel in this bitter sweet taste. And if this plant was going to get thinner? At least that is what some scientists believe.

Indeed, multiple studies conducted by Japanese universities, reached the following conclusions. Depending on the work published in the journal "Obesity Research and Clinical Practice", researchers discovered that people taking food supplements liquorice oil were choking. Patients have lost weight, but the visceral fat, which is located around bodies also.

"Food supplements licorice flavonoid oil may help improve obesity and perhaps prevent a few exercises and metabolic syndrome caused by obesity when combined with a calorie restriction" specify scientists.

Positive: after observations of researchers, liquorice oil would have caused no side effect.

Another study had shown that liquorice extract could bring down the rate of cholesterol and lipid in people with cardiovascular problems.

The liquorice is a plant that has properties. Thus, it reduces throat pain, prevents the aphtes and viral infections, is effective against inflammation of the respiratory system and external application, combat eczema.

